Forward Electronics Co., Ltd.

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Company Regulations

File NameFile Download
Strategy Committee Develops Proceduresdownload
Obtain or dispose of assetsdownload
Fund loandownload
Endorsement guaranteedownload
Company policydownload
Organization and operation of internal auditdownload
Articles of association of the remuneration committeedownload
Audit committee organization rulesdownload
Director electiondownload
Rules of procedure for board meetingsdownload
Independent directors' scope of dutiesdownload
Legal shareholder with control ability to exercise rights and participate in decision-making normsdownload
Preventing internal transaction management operation proceduresdownload
Rules of procedure for shareholders' meetingsdownload
Corporate governance code of practicedownload
Integrity management codedownload
Integrity management operating procedures and behavior guidelinesdownload
Code of ethical conductdownload
Code of practice for corporate social responsibilitydownload
Apply to suspend and resume trading operationsdownload
Forward Electronics related party transaction management measuresdownload